Apaar Electricals

Apaar Electricals name of reliability and persistent value of our products to our customers. Since 20 years, the knowledge and experience of our dedicated and enthusiastic team. The challenges in terms of quality, flexibility & cost efficiency.

About us

Main Distribution Panel 2500 AMP

Electrical Control Panels

  • Apaar Electricals has an unique quality system, committed by every team member & documented as per VC QSM. It has got an unique three-tier quality policy as follows:
  • All Raw Materials including switchgear Is subjected to rigorous testing.
  • "Stage inspection" is carried in four stages so that even small of problem is rectified & not carried further
  • "Final testing" is carried out thoroughly with all calibrated instruments/gauges
  • The testing is done as per harmonized national & international standards including IEC429,158623
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Rolling Contact Type Automatic Voltage Controllers Servo Voltage Stabilizers
Capacity : 30 to 8000 KVA

Apaar Electrical’s is known for reliability and continuous improvement in the field of rolling contact type automatic voltage controller, servo voltage controller, automatic voltage stabilizer, chemical process rectifiers, electroplating power rectifiers and special purpose transformers. The systems are designed and supervised by a team of qualified engineers having more than 20 years of experience to achieve best possible quality and total customer's satisfaction

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1250 KVA AVR

3 MVA Distribution Transformer with OLTC
(33/0.433 KV Outdoor Type)

Distribution Transformer
250 KVA to 20 MVA
(11 KV & 33 KV Voltage Class)

Power & Distribution Transformers 250 KVA to 20 MVA in 11 & 33 KV voltage class.
Transformers were designed and tested as per IS : 2026, BS-171, IEC-76, IEC-726 & BIS-1180
Transformers will be connected as per vector group reference Dyn 11. Other vector groups can be offered as per specific requirements.
Transformers are designed for a maximum temperature rise of 50/55°C of oil / winding. Lower temperature rise can be offered on request

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Food & Breweries




Cold Section

Our Valuable Customers

Understanding customers is the key to giving them good service. To give good customer care you must deliver what you promise.
But great customer care involves getting to know your customers so well that you can anticipate their needs and exceed their expectations.